Fraud Monitoring for Real-time Payments
Real-time Payment Fraud Monitoring
Cuscal’s fraud monitoring platform for Real-time Payments is a comprehensive tool designed for effective fraud detection and prevention, in real time.
Our advanced data-driven fraud monitoring platform leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify high-risk real-time payments. Real-time payments identified as high-risk may result in a payment block or payment hold. A payment block will stop the payment and any additional payment in its tracks, whereas a payment hold will simply hold onto the payment for 24 hours until it is verified by the customer. Once it is verified the payment will be released to the intended destination without the need for further customer action.
The fraud monitoring team assesses each alert, before contacting your customers to verify account activity and further investigate fraudulent payments.
We provide your fraud operation teams with direct access to reporting, transaction decisions and streamlined workflows, empowering your business with a complete end-to-end view of fraud.
With our fraud monitoring solution for real-time payments we can help reduce the risk of fraud, so you can focus on your customer relationships and growing your business.
Real-time payments fraud monitoring offers
- 24/7 payment monitoring
- 24/7 block/hold capability on identified high-risk payments
- Call centre with a specialised team
- Customer servicing
- Customer contact in the event of suspicious payments
- Data analytics management of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Daily and monthly reporting
- Incident management
- Integration with Cuscal’s NPP Payment engine
- Industry collaboration
We also offer fraud monitoring for PayTo ®
As part of our real-time payments fraud monitoring solution, if you are enabled for PayTo we can also proactively detect fraud while continuing to allow mandate creation and amendments to be authorised in real time. This PayTo fraud monitoring solution is available for PayTo Payers.
PayTo® is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited.
Related Info
Key Takeaways
- Our highly trained fraud team operate 24/7 to keep your customers safe from the latest fraud trends and scams.
- Our analytics team utilises the latest in artificial Intelligence(AI) and machine learning (ML) technology to detect fraud.
- Fully transparent case management platform with visibility of actions and alerts on card transactions.
- As part of monitoring for real-time payments this includes PayTo mandate monitoring and PayTo payment initiations.
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