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Introducing the New Payments Platform webinar

This Cuscal webinar introduces the New Payments Platform (NPP), launching in 2017, and addresses some of the common questions around the NPP.

Hosted by Juvanka Roberts (Account Manager, Cuscal) and presented by Nathan Churchward (Senior Manager, Payments, Cuscal) the webinar talks about what the NPP will mean and what Cuscal is doing to prepare our clients for the NPP. The webinar also explains how the NPP will change the payments industry and how the industry itself is preparing for the NPP’s launch in 2017. Nathan also addresses several clients’ questions in the Q&A session at the end.

NPP overlay services

This video gives a simple introduction to the overlay services which will accompany Australia’s New Payments Platform (NPP), explaining what they are, why they’re important and how they might benefit businesses and consumers.

While the NPP infrastructure will make real-time payments possible, what will really make the NPP come to life is the range of overlay services that will be built on top of it.

From day 1, the NPP’s first overlay service will allow:

  • People to make payments in close to real-time availability via mobile devices
  • Payments to be linked securely to documents (e.g. a remittance advice or tax statement)
  • People to request money from others (Payment requests)

In the future, the possibilities for overlay services are nearly limitless. They may be able to solve payments pain points like invoicing or buying or selling a second-hand car.

Using the New Payments Platform

A lady smiling looking at mobile phone

Starting in 2017, the New Payments Platform (NPP) will transform the way Australians make payments. For the first time, it will be possible to transfer funds quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – even between accounts at different banks. This initiative promises to bring value to financial institutions, consumers and businesses alike, and is expected to be rapidly adopted.

Among the NPP’s key features available at launch will be a centralised real-time addressing service allowing payments to be delivered to a user-friendly alias such as a mobile number or email address rather than the BSB and account numbers used today. Another important feature will be the Initial Convenience Service (ICS), the NPP’s first overlay service that will make it possible for consumers to send and receive payments in real-time.

While there’s already a lot of information available about the NPP (including Cuscal’s recent white paper “New Payments Platform: How the NPP can help you win the war for customer relationships”), it’s important to understand how its core functionality – what’s often referred to as the Basic Infrastructure – differs from the ICS and the other overlay services that will help bring the NPP to life. These overlay services will not only add tremendous value to the NPP for end-users, but also create considerable opportunities for financial institutions and fintech companies.

In the pages that follow, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of overlay services and the role they will play in driving NPP usage. This includes a variety of scenarios where financial institutions and businesses will try to create more seamless customer experiences. We’ll also explain some real-life applications of the ICS, along with its benefits and how it differs from the NPP’s Basic Infrastructure. Finally, we’ll outline several ideas for overlay services which you might see launched in the months.

Download the White Paper [PDF, 7.7MB]

NPP overlays will give great customer experiences

Nathan ChurchwardThe New Payments Platform (NPP) will be arriving in 2017 and will be a catalyst for fundamental change in the way financial institutions, businesses and everyday people make payments.

Most people in Australian payments-focused companies are aware of this much, but at Cuscal we’re finding that people are a bit hazier on the finer details of exactly how the NPP will work. One part in particular which has been causing some confusion is exactly how the NPP’s overlay services work. What do they do? How do they interact with the NPP’s basic infrastructure? And, what do they offer beyond the promise of real-time payments?

Most people will experience the NPP through overlay services
The first thing it’s important to know about overlay services is that they’re going to be the public face of the NPP – the way that most people will experience it. Here at Cuscal we’ve started to think of the NPP like the internet and its overlay services as the websites, portals, apps and other online tools that make it exciting, interesting and useful.

As I mentioned in my last LinkedIn post, BPAY will be offering the NPP’s first overlay service, currently known as the Initial Convenience Service (although it will get a consumer-friendly name before launch). The ICS will be live from Day 1 and will add important extra functionality to the NPP by allowing:

  • People to make payments in close to real-time availability via mobile devices
  • Payments to be linked securely to documents (e.g. a remittance advice or tax statement)
  • People to request money from others (Payment requests)

The possibilities for overlay services are nearly limitless
What’s really exciting about the NPP’s overlay services though is what will be possible – just about anything! We think that one of the most valuable things that they will offer is the possibility to create great customer experiences and this is what we set out to explore in our new animation and white paper.

  • The animation gives a simple introduction to overlay services, explaining what they are, why they’re important and showing how some potential overlay services and might benefit businesses and consumers. Watch the animation.
  • The white paper goes into more detail about how the NPP’s basic infrastructure will work, the different types of overlay services which might be created and how this could all combine to create great customer experiences. Read the Cuscal Using the NPP white paper.

By Nathan Churchward, Senior Manager, Payments

BPAY to offer NPP’s first overlay service

Blue and white BPAY logoAs we race towards the launch of the NPP, the Industry Program has reached another significant milestone.

It’s exciting to hear that BPAY is creating the first overlay service, the Initial Convenience Service (ICS), for Australia’s New Payments Platform.

Due to launch in 2017, the NPP will facilitate faster, richer, more versatile payments in Australia, 24/7. Cuscal is one of the 12 original participants that are the architects of the NPP and will mutually own its infrastructure. While the NPP’s basic infrastructure, currently being built by SWIFT, will allow better payment experiences to occur the overlay services will actually make them happen.

Getting the first overlay service right is important to the success of the NPP overall and I think BPAY’s expertise will help in a number of ways:

  • Trusted partner. The launch of the NPP is only two years away, so working with an established partner which is trusted by banks, businesses and consumers is essential to keep things running on time. BPAY’s experience in collaboratively promoting a payment solution with all Australian financial institutions will help us get the ICS to market more quickly and smoothly, with a greater chance of speedy take-up.
  • Experienced at influencing consumer habits. BPAY has already been successful at moving the payment of invoices and bills to internet and mobile banking. This experience will be very useful in helping people understand, and then adopt, new concepts like payment requests and immediate payments. BPAY’s expertise will be useful in designing a well-branded ICS which resonates with users as well as an effective strategy for customer experience and shared industry marketing.
  • Familiar rules. All Australian financial institutions are members of the BPAY scheme and are used to working within its rules to develop payment interfaces; this should alleviate some potential implementation challenges.

BPAY’s solution for the ICS is a practical and sensible approach which will deliver more than the NPP’s Basic Infrastructure is capable of, without trying to be all things to all people. It will help to prove the potential of the overlay model and demonstrate that solutions don’t all need to be highly technical to solve customer pain points and deliver value to both payers and payees.

The ICS also deliberately leaves gaps which can be filled by additional overlay services over time, incrementally adding extra functionality to the NPP. This will be good for competition and help meet the objectives set out in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s Strategic Review of Innovation in the Payments System (2012) that was the catalyst for the New Payments Platform.

The ICS is a straight-forward, low-cost solution which should ignite demand in the NPP – it’s a good choice for all of us.

Read more about the New Payments Platform, and Cuscal’s NPP Solution.

By Nathan Churchward, Senior Manager, Payment Products

Why you need to get ready for the NPP now

Multiple lines going in different directions and payment icons

With Australia’s New Payments Platform (NPP) still around two years from starting it would be easy to assume that financial institutions still have plenty of time to get ready, but the reality is that time is rapidly running out. Financial institutions that get ready now will receive clear economic benefits – those that don’t will miss out.

Why real time payments in Australia will boom
Unlike in some other countries, all of the right functionality will be in place for consumers to embrace the NPP immediately. From day one, the NPP will feature:

  • A centralised addressing service, allowing banking customers to use their mobile number or email address as an alias for their bank account details.
  • The first overlay service will have a common brand and broad industry-funded promotion. This will give all participating financial institutions a way to readily fulfil the promise of real-time payments for their customers.
  • Transaction by transaction settlement, which means that the NPP will be a true real-time payment system capable of offering nearly instantaneous payment processing and settlement.

Of course, for a faster payments system to take off quickly, the conditions also have to be right. For example, there needs to be a critical mass of early adopters who embrace new technology.

Australians fit the bill perfectly.

Not only do we have one of the highest levels of smartphone penetration in the world and the second highest in Asia, we’re also the leader when it comes to adopting mobile banking. Between 2013 and 2014 alone, for example, the use of mobile banking in Australia spiked by more than 70 percent. Today an estimated 38 percent of banking transactions are conducted via smart phones or tablets, a figure that’s only going to continue to grow in the coming years.
Plus, we like embracing new technology. Just look at how contactless payments have exploded here over the last couple of years. It’s proof that when a new payment mechanism is both convenient and broadly accepted, Australians will rapidly adopt it.

It’s time to get ready for the NPP, here’s how
Given that the NPP is likely to take off quickly after its launch in 2017, the time to start planning for it financially, resourcing it appropriately, and getting everything ready for implementation is now. Make no mistake, it’s going to be a lot of work. To be ready, you’ll need to:

  • Talk to your core and channel banking system providers and budget for implementation activity in 2016 and 2017
  • Update your core banking systems so they can integrate with NPP transactions
  • Update your mobile and Internet banking channels to accommodate the additional information that comes with NPP transactions and new transaction types like payment requests and payments with a linked document
  • Think about change management within your internal operations teams, training them along with sales and customer service teams
  • Talk to your legal department to update terms and conditions
  • Communicate with your customers so that they’re ready to use NPP style transactions within the Cuscal network in early 2017
  • Plan a robust marketing launch that leverages industry activity
  • Get your customers ready to use the NPP for real-time payments between their account and accounts at most Australian banks by late 2017

No one can deny this is a lot of work. For financial institutions with long planning cycles, it’s going to take at least 18 months, meaning that you need to start now to be ready in time.  But despite the effort it will take, there are clear economic benefits for early adopters, while stragglers will miss out.

  1. Positive brand boost
    The reality is that failing to embrace and get ready for the NPP just isn’t an option. For banking customers in today’s digital world, it’s almost like telling them the only way they can contact you is by fax. Any financial institution that doesn’t quickly adopt the NPP will be viewed as behind the times, not focused on their customers, and ultimately irrelevant. Just look at all the negative press Barclays garnered for not adopting the UK’s faster payments scheme at the same time as its competitors. Early adopters, on the other hand, will be viewed as modern, forward-looking financial institutions by their customers and competitors.
  2. Catch up to, or overtake, your competition
    The Big Four Banks currently have an advantage because of their large customer bases. So when they introduce innovations like payments to mobiles, or real-time payments to anyone that has an account with them, it’s much more useful than when a smaller financial institution offers the same service.However, if you link to the NPP your customers will be able to make real-time payments, straight to mobile, to anyone with an NPP-linked account at any NPP-ready financial institution. This will give you the chance to both level the playing field with the big banks while also leapfrogging any of your competitors that are slower to adapt.
  3. Claim your share of a major new payment stream
    What makes things particularly urgent is that when the NPP starts, customers’ mobile phone numbers will only ever be able to be registered as an NPP alias with one financial institution at a time. This means that if your customers don’t register their mobile number with you as an NPP alias they may never use you for instantaneous payments. So if you’re not ready for the NPP when it launches, you may miss out on the majority of income from this payment stream for a long time to come.

The bottom line is that the NPP is rapidly approaching and its adoption by Australian consumers is likely to be quick and widespread. As a financial institution, getting ready for the NPP is a significant piece of work that can’t be accomplished overnight.

With only two years to go, the time to start preparing for the NPP is now. Those who do will reap the benefits. Those who sit back, planning to be ‘fast followers’, will discover they’ve made a serious mistake.

RFi interview: Adrian Lovney on the NPP

Adrian Lovney, General Manager, Product and Service, Cuscal

Rapid innovation has made it an exciting time in the Australian banking industry. At the centre of that excitement is the forthcoming New Payments Platform (NPP), an important initiative that promises to not only position Australia as a global leader in real-time payments, but also help the banking industry address some of its greatest challenges. In the process, it will bring numerous benefits to financial institutions and other organisations, as well as to the customers they serve.

RFi Group recently met with Cuscal’s General Manager of Product & Service, Adrian Lovney who echoed the exciting times ahead for Australian market participants and consumers alike.

Cuscal recently released a white paper on this very subject and we thought it an opportune moment to meet with Adrian and hear all about it from the horse’s mouth.

Speaking on the whitepaper and key messages Cuscal have for market participants, Adrian was quite frank.

“There are obviously a group of banks in Australia who are intimately familiar with the NPP development and organisations like ours (Cuscal), have been involved since day one. What this whitepaper explores are specific opportunities to increase the level of knowledge in the banking sector for not only what the NPP does but how it will go about changing the relationships between banks and their customers.”

Adrian explains that Cuscal’s aim with this particular whitepaper and other forthcoming material, is to close some of those information gaps.

“Obviously agency banking and agency payments is the core of Cuscal’s business, it’s what we do, connecting financial institutions to the payments infrastructure. This paper is about what the NPP is, how we see it helping financial institutions address challenges in the banking sectors.”

He mentions the shift to mobile, the shift away from cash and, particularly relevant the rapid rise of Fintech.“We really just want to help FIs focus their attention on the things they need to do now, to be ready for 2017.”

For Cuscal, some of the insights they feel will be most interesting to the financial services industry start with looking at the New Payments Platform from a customer experience perspective, looking at channels but not forgetting the back office. Adrian stresses it is particularly this thinking about CX and back office processes, in parallel. “It is about looking at the detail and real value in a single national addressing service. How this will inherently shift from BSBs and account numbers, to aliases and mobile phone numbers.”

In the paper Cuscal notes that unlike in other countries, where uptake of the NPP was initially slow, in Australia they expect it will be rapid because of the advanced features the NPP will have from day one.

A few key features Cuscal identifies as setting it apart from its international counterpart platforms include: addressing service availability from its inception and the work banks are doing to coordinate a set of simple, easy to understand messages about the services in a coordinated way. The convenience services launching on the very first day again represents the collaboration of banks working together to roll out what will be good user experiences and products.

It’s also important to note that Adrian’s (and Cuscal’s) perceptions have changed over time in regards to the expected ‘product category’ of the Australian NPP. Three years ago, he would not have hesitated in saying that they thought the NPP would be positioned as a “premium product”, but the same cannot be said for today. “At least in the retail sense, I no longer think this is the case. I see this as a product that is suitable for everyone and absolutely for the everyday banking space. Obviously organisations will make up their own minds regarding pricing, but consumers will categorically expect at a retail level that this will be available from day one, as part of their everyday banking proposition.”

The report goes on to note that, for the New Payments Platform to work quickly, the conditions ‘need to be right’. Cuscal identify, as do many, that Australians have clearly demonstrated that they are prepared to try new things, and quickly. “We love contactless, we love our mobile phones, we are quick to adopt and all of these characteristics showcase the NPP as being surely desired in our marketplace.”

Adrian continues, “Features such as line-by-line settlements mean that the product will be suitable for large value transactions from day one, which may not have been the case under a deferred net settlement model. We are fast to take up, our adoption, our willingness to try new things and a clear shift back to the bank account, shows the market is ripe for New Payments Platform implementation. The work the Australian banking sector has done around mobile banking and digital banking and the role of the mobile phone as a tool, will really mean that the platform will take off quickly. As a caveat here, I do think cards have a lot of life left in them, they are still very much the central part of the relationship, but I think there will be a pivot towards the bank account and I think there will continue to be a demise of cash.”

As far as this insatiable desire for technology and the use of new systems, Cuscal mentions a few noteworthy developments in customer behaviour and expectations, as they adopt new technologies.
“I think the bar is continually being lifted as far as what consumers expect. They don’t want clunky experiences, they don’t want solutions that take effort and time and they certainly don’t expect to read instruction manuals. They are used to ‘Spotify-like’ or ‘Uber-like’ experiences and we are also seeing that they are prepared to sign up for a free service, then, when impressed, willing to pay for added value or experience.”

And finally, what tangible economic benefits will the New Payments Platform provide – “I think it will create more opportunities to attract customers and their money, it will increase ability to cross-sell other products and I think it will bring the transaction account back into the frame and make those accounts more important to customers’ lives. Other clear opportunities are on the cost side, addressing service to reduce mistakes in payments, reducing manual back-office processing and delivering self-service for digital channels.”

It’s certainly picking up pace and we are excited to see Cuscal’s next move.

This article first appeared in the October 2015 edition of RFi Group’s Australian Retail Banker.

NPP: winning the war for customer relationships

Three young adults looking at a phone

Rapid innovation has made it an exciting time in the Australian banking industry. At the centre of that excitement is the forthcoming New Payments Platform (NPP), an important initiative that promises to not only position Australia as a global leader in real-time payments, but also help the banking industry address some of its greatest challenges. In the process, it will bring numerous benefits to financial institutions and other organisations, as well as to the customers they serve.

Moving money around in Australia has historically been a slow process fraught with pain points. Yet with the arrival of the NPP in 2017, many of the inefficiencies that encumber the current system will be removed. In their wake, Australians will be able to transfer funds quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the very first time — even to accounts at other banks.

For consumers, the NPP is important not only because it will make sending and receiving payments simple and easy, but also because they’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of doing so from their mobile phones, tablets, or computers in just a matter of seconds. For the banking industry, the NPP represents an opportunity to create the back-office efficiencies necessary to deliver these and other services. Even more importantly, it will be essential ammunition in the war for retaining and acquiring new customers.

In the pages that follow, we outline four trends that are currently creating challenges in the banking industry and are therefore central to many companies’ strategies. We also describe what the NPP is and how it will help address those challenges, demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) it will generate along the way.

In addition, we explain why the NPP will become critically important to customer relationships and why, to reap all of its benefits, financial institutions need to start getting ready for it right away. The paper concludes with some practical advice about what financial institutions need to do now to start preparing for the NPP.

Explaining the New Payments Platform

NPP animation
Recent research conducted by Roy Morgan Research found that only 5% of Australian organisations are aware of the New Payments Platform (NPP) and very few have any idea of the impact it will have to Australia’s payments industry.

To help combat this gap in knowledge we have recently produced:

Our senior executives have also been at a number of industry conferences explaining how the NPP will work and the impact it will have on Australia’s payments industry.

Cuscal is one of the lead participants, alongside the RBA and major banks, working to design and build Australia’s NPP.

  • Brian Parker (CIO) was a guest speaker at Data Action’s CXO conference introducing the NPP to C-Suite members of 7 Credit Unions in Adelaide.
  • Adrian Lovney debated whether incumbent banks or digital disruptors would be more successful in developing NPP Overlay Services at RFI’s Australian Payments Innovation Forum in Sydney.
  • Adrian Lovney was on the panel discussion “Payments Modernisation and New Payments Platform (NPP)” at the Cards and Payments Conference in Melbourne.
  • Colin Sultana spoke about mobile, digital and the NPP at the Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) Colloquium in combination with Filene Research.
  • Nathan Churchward spoke at the VIC/TAS COBA Insight Seminar in Ballarat.

For more information about the NPP or the services we will offer, please email

Cuscal New Payments Platform

Cuscal is one of the lead businesses helping to design and build the New Payments Platform (NPP). This video provides an introduction to the NPP and explains how it will improve the way we make payments when it launches in 2017.

Currently money transfers are slow and inefficient as Australian banks only process transfers during business hours. With the introduction of the NPP, secure real-time payments can be made with the click of a button using a mobile phone, tablet or computer without the need for a BSB or account number.