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Teachers Mutual Bank Limited mobile banking

Teachers Mutual Bank Limited is dedicated to giving its members a great customer experience. So when it decided to revamp the mobile banking apps for its three brands it wanted to make sure that the new apps allowed its members to perform all their main banking needs in a simple and intuitive way.

We partnered with the team at Teachers Mutual Bank Limited to adapt our white-label mobile banking solution for its members’ particular needs. We then worked closely with the team at Teachers all the way through the development and implementation process to ensure a smooth launch and a great experience for members of Teachers Mutual Bank, UniBank and Firefighters Mutual Bank.

Watch the video for more on how Teachers Mutual Bank Limited and Cuscal are putting key banking functions in the hands of members to deliver a positive member experience.

P&N Bank launches instant digital cards

People using mobile phones

P&N Bank is Cuscal’s first client to launch instant digital cards, using the Cuscal Virtual Card API set. The APIs allow companies to provide their customers with new or replacement digital cards into their mobile wallet within seconds. Without a digital version of the card, customers can be without access to their money for days or even weeks.

Cuscal’s Virtual Card APIs are the most comprehensive instant card issuance solution in Australia. No other financial institution in Australia currently provides instant card issuance for new and replacement cards and gives its customers access to the full virtual card to allow online payments.

Instant access to the full card number is particularly useful as it not only allows customers to pay for things in person, but also buy things online. This is particularly useful for customers who are travelling and their cards are lost or stolen. They can simply log into their mobile banking application or internet banking, order a new card and continue their holiday uninterrupted.

Cuscal Head of EFT, Acquiring and Digital Lauren McCormack said Cuscal was thrilled to have been able to help P&N Bank deliver this great advancement to its mobile and digital banking capability.

“We see it as a real win-win for both P&N and its customers, saving time and money for everyone involved. We also hope that it will help P&N Bank customers get access to their money more quickly and easily in those awful, stressful situations we all find ourselves in when our cards are lost or stolen,” she said.

Not only does instant card issuance have great customer benefits, it is also very useful for financial institutions and other companies that issue cards. They can save money by not needing to physically mail out PINs to their customers and also start earning revenue sooner by giving customers quicker access to their money. In the future, companies may decide to save even more money by not issuing physical cards at all.

Financial institutions and their customers can realise even greater benefits if they combine Cuscal’s Virtual Card API with the Card Control API. Financial institutions can decide to enable controls on a card (eg restricting spend for instore/contactless payments) until the physical card has arrived with the customer. This reduces the chance of someone intercepting a card while in the mail and then being able to make fraudulent payments.

Cuscal’s solution currently works for Visa and eftpos credit, debit and prepaid cards. Cards can be ‘provisioned’ (enabled in a mobile wallet) to Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. The solution also works for any cards making payments via eftpos and Visa, companies do not need to be current clients of Cuscal to make use of the API’s capabilities.

Teachers Mutual Bank rolls out Cuscal mobile app

person using TMB mobile banking app, developed by Cuscal

Sydney, 7 November 2017 – Over 100,000 Teachers Mutual Bank members will be upgrading to a brand new digital platform, provided by Cuscal.

With a focus on member needs, the new Teachers Mutual Bank app will ensure members have convenient and easy access to a host of service features including the capacity to: block/report a lost/stolen card and change card PINs and access to increased security features.

“The new Teachers Mutual Bank mobile app empowers our members, giving them access to a wide range of features now; and provides us with the infrastructure to create innovation in the future,” stated Teachers Mutual Bank Limited’s Chief Sales and Marketing Officer (Acting), Gerard Smith.

“We have already been recognised as a leader in the financial services industry for customer service^. This new app builds on that reputation, giving our members access to banking functions more commonly associated with branch service, than self-service,” said Gerard Smith.

Cuscal worked with Teachers Mutual Bank, including several rounds of customer testing, to ensure that the app met the needs of the bank’s members.

”Cuscal helps financial institutions like Teachers Mutual Bank to compete with larger banks by providing great technology, which their customers really value,” said Cuscal’s Senior Manager Acquiring & Digital Solutions, Valentina Dunoski.

“With the launch of Teachers Mutual Bank’s app, there are now 22 brands using Cuscal’s white-label banking app – a number that has doubled in the past year and continues to grow. We also offer a growing suite of APIs, which financial institutions can plug into, as well as our other products like the New Payments Platform (NPP),” said Valentina Dunoski.

The rollout of the new Teachers Mutual Bank mobile application futureproofs the bank’s digital offering and will provide a platform for further innovation.

“The new app is a great platform, but over the next few years we want to go further. The next stages of our digital initiatives will give us a critical edge in a highly competitive banking market,” stated Gerard Smith.

Teachers Mutual Bank’s new mobile app can be downloaded for Apple devices from the App Store, and for Android devices from the Google Play store.

Media Contact
Jo Savill 0447555018

*‘World’s Most Ethical Companies’ Award, from Ethisphere Institute. (Awarded, 2016, 2015, 2014)
^ Teachers Mutual Bank led Australia’s Top 15 consumer banks on customer satisfaction rates for Jan-Jun 2017, see Roy Morgan Research

New mobile banking app just what customers ordered

Man holding phone with a sunset in the background

Cuscal has delivered its latest white-label mobile banking app for Android and iPhone devices which offers a simple, seamless and secure user experience.

The app’s new functionality includes the ability for users to block and unblock their card as well as enables fingerprint login for Android device users. The blocking feature allows users who misplace their card to temporarily block it via the app and then unblock it once they find it. The newly added biometric functionality allows Android users to verify their identity with a fingerprint and log-in to the app, in the same way as iPhone users already can.

New, streamlined in-app navigation allows users to pay a bill or transfer money directly from their accounts in app. Additionally, to help users familiarise themselves with the new features and make the most of its capabilities, the app comes with a built-in onboarding tour.

Cuscal’s Acting General Manager, Product & Service, Colin Sultana said:
“At Cuscal we’re all about making payments as simple as possible, so with this latest mobile banking app release we’ve made our app even easier to use, and more useful.

We regularly collaborate with our clients on developing our apps, to make sure we’re including features their customers really want, and we’ve incorporated their feedback in this latest release. The added biometrics and card blocking functionality puts control back with the user and the simplified navigation gives them greater flexibility around how they make payments. So far our app has been taken up by 13 Australian financial institutions and we have another nine who are going live in the coming months which is testament to quality of the app.”

The next release is expected in February 2017.

To find out more about our mobile banking app contact your account manager, or get in touch with Cuscal CallDirect via email or phone 1300 650 501.

Introducing Chore Scout

The Chore Scout apps are the latest addition to our innovative digital suite of products and are designed to work with our Mobile Banking & Payments app.

Developed by digital specialist Moroku, in partnership with Cuscal, the apps provide a way of strengthening relationships with existing customers and beginning new ones with the next generation of customers. It allows parents to set and track chores, transfer pocket money and for children to set savings goals – teaching children valuable financial literacy skills that can last a lifetime.

Mobile app now has biometrics and more

Lady holding moble phone using her finger print

We have recently enhanced the functionality of our white-label, full-mobile banking app to include biometrics (fingerprint login), overseas notifications and feedback form as well as enhancing some current features. The next release of extra functionality is due in April/May.

Users with an iPhone 5s and above can now sign in to the app using their fingerprint, which will be safely stored in the device. For clients which also have our Vigil Fraud Bureau Service the app will allow customers to notify us about overseas travel, ensuring their cards will continue to function normally while travelling.

Commenting on the release, Cuscal’s Head of EFT, Acquiring and Digital, Colin Sultana said:

“This latest release builds on the existing functionality, including NFC tap and pay which we were the first to introduce in the Asia-Pacific, with CUA. These latest enhancements make our mobile banking app the most advanced of any white-label solution in Australia and equal to or better than some of the big banks’ offerings.

This is a very exciting time for mobile payments in Australia with Apple Pay arriving late last year in a limited form after a deal with Amex, Android Pay launching in Australia soon and Samsung Pay likely to arrive at some point this year.”

The next release of functionality for our full mobile banking app is due in April/May 2016 and is currently scheduled to include:

  • The ability to block cards
  • New and improved look and feel to the current mobile apps

RFi interview: Ashley on mobile banking and payments

Image of Ashley Williams, Senior Digital Manager, CuscalAs we jump feet first into 2016, RFi Group had the pleasure of sitting down with Ashley Williams, Cuscal’s Senior Manager – Digital, and someone right in the Cuscal workroom, to discuss progression in the mobile banking and payments apps space and what the latest is when it comes to digital wallets.

As General Manager of Product & Service at Cuscal Adrian Lovney stated in a LinkedIn Pulse Post early this year, 2016 is set to be the year mobile wallets go mainstream in Australia.

The announcement just before Christmas that Android Pay will arrive in Australia in early 2016 is big news for payments, but it’s also another significant step that’s slowly, but inevitably, taking mobile payments from niche to mainstream. There has been a lot of chatter about mobile wallets being the future of payments in Australia, but so far we haven’t seen many people actually use their mobile phones as wallets. 2016 is looking like the year that will change this.

RFi Group met with Ashley who went on to explain Cuscal’s sharp focus on providing superlative technical integration for their customers and are currently nothing short of delighted to be experiencing such a huge take up for the new product. With 41 of their clients signing up to The Pays for day one, the figures are accounting for roughly 90% of their card volume.

Providing these solutions for our clients means that the work we do for them now, puts them in a key position to be able to launch into other wallets as soon as they’re available. We are focused on that technical build, creating and facilitating the links into the schemes (specifically Mastercard, Visa and eftpos) and then into the three different wallet providers (Google, Apple and Android) – meaning phones can in effect become a digital wallet.

As well as managing the technical integration and back end ‘maze’ of complexity this project brings, Cuscal will be providing customers with marketing toolkits and training support to guide them through the adverting process.

And to help, they have some pretty stellar partners –

We’re collaborating with Google to ensure the campaigns are consistent across the market and offer a seamless customer experience. In terms of Cuscal itself, all 41 of our clients will be out in the market promoting and marketing from day one.

With all this change, we wondered, what can customers expect? Ashley is frank but fair –

Obviously mobile banking apps with contactless payments have been around for some time, and the payments part of the equation isn’t something new, what we do believe is going to change is the market awareness and public’s perception of payments – it is really set to shift dramatically.

Ashley goes on to cite the key differences for the Android Pay launch, compared to the way Australian financial institutions launched their mobile wallets in dribs and drabs. There is a clear plan to wait until everyone is ready and “all the ducks are in a row”, before they go live. “From a market perspective, it will be a huge coordinated push.” She says.

The concept and launch of the digital wallet itself, Ashley explains, is when things will get interesting. Cuscal’s view is that the ecosystem will change as pay providers (Google, Apple and Samsung) begin to partner with merchants and the in-out purchasing becomes a big component of the wallet. The loyalty of that ‘front of wallet’ card provider will move it from purely a transactional product, to an all-encompassing solution.

Other benefits lie, perhaps unsurprisingly, in data.

Because of the richness of the data we can receive, Cuscal’s FI customers will have full exposure to behaviour and trends of their card holders. They will have access to information such as default card choice or individual selection of card, which will deliver great insight to a bank regarding what their customers are doing.

This all provides banks with more information than they have ever had before and therefore the ability to reach out to their customers about card choice or behaviours. Other advantages can be found in the origination process of Android Pay. If a customer doesn’t have a banks mobile banking app, the functionality will prompt them to register. Again, providing yet another way for banks to increase the amount of customers they have using their banking app.

Ashley thinks this increased functionality is likely to take mobile payments to the masses.

With increased advertising and marketing from Google, as well as almost every Australian FI encouraging people to use these new offerings, the shift to mobile payments as the major, if not one day, sole, channel, is inevitable.

It is a huge shift, but we are at a stage now that it is not about acceptance, but more so, customer preference. It will need to work and it will need to work consistently, but we expect customer take-up to be rapid.

If it is in fact to become a comprehensive digital “wallet”, Cuscal sees the need for other parties to get one board and quickly. As seen in the UK, the rise in mobile tap and pay payments since its integration with transport for London’s Oyster network, was exponential. If case studies such as this are anything to go by, it is obvious that with the inclusion of an individual’s drivers licence, Opal/ Myki (travel) card, Medicare card, health insurance card, could really begin to speed things up and quickly. As Ashley quickly points out, the payments piece is only one component.

Ashley closes noting that Cuscal is in fact in a unique position compared to other affiliate parties.

“We are not just one institution, we are representing so many. Essentially we have 41 individual projects running seamlessly and in many ways, in conjunction, which is a huge achievement. For us to be able to match the market and to be there for day one of the launch, mobilising teams so quickly, is exciting and we really feel like it is going to make a huge impact.”

This article first appeared in the March 2015 edition of RFi Group’s Australian Retail Banker (which is no longer available on their website).